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May 20, 2015

I am a 90's kid

I am a 90's kid. One from the other century. The sound of it makes me feel old. Nevertheless, I am happy to belong to that era.

Emotions Xpressed_I am 90's kid

The era when friendship was on the playground than on the virtual battleground arena. When chit-chatting with friends was actually sitting beside each other and not over chat messengers. When group photographs were for oneself and not for the sake of social media tagging. And selfie, was not a concept known.In fact taking a photo of yourself was either at the studio or requesting someone else. From where I belong, I do not remember any of my friends owning a camera while in school. Clicking photographs at school was only on special occasions like Teacher's Day, Children's Day, Annual functions, Sports Day, Farewell or Annual School Fair and Exhibitions. I still have memories of passing secret chit messages about lunch break game plans to avoid teacher's attention. But some app has made that quite easy nowadays.
Emotions Xpressed_I am 90's kid

The era when your amicability was not a show of the number of friends on a network. When "Happy Birthday" and "Get Well Soon" wishes were given through cards or a visit and not news feed. And breaking up with a friend was not a broadcast or done with a click of a button. I wonder when someone clicks that "Unfriend" button now, does friendship actually end? Is friendship in this century restricted just to that button? I comment on someone's status, disagreeing to their viewpoints and they unfriend me. I don't think I was a friend at all then. Sometimes, not liking a photo online turns into a huge ego clash between friends. It makes me feel that if I cannot maintain the standards of social media friendship, however true I may be towards a friend in real life, it won't matter. Something that was created to connect with friends easily may be becoming the reason for many disconnections. Somehow, virtual life has superseded real life.

Probably, this happens to every generation. Its funny but each feel their generation had that special charm missing in the current one.Some had gramophones, then we had cassettes, now everything is online and the future will have something better. Every generation will have their own perspective towards relationship different from their previous generation. May be this is what we call generation gap.

Image Credits - Google Images
Article © Copyright Salvwi Prasad
Creative Commons Licence


  1. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Awww :) you're inspiring me to write a post about my era... albeit it will be the 70's :p
    interesting article Salvwi :)

    1. Thanks Archana.... 70's is not that far from the 90's... both shared the same nuances... :)

  2. I was nodding my head in agreement to a lot of your points. With youtube not gaining popularity, we use to rewind cassettes n number of times, to get the song right. I also use to maintain a Lyrics Book- where i kept track of my fully learnt songs. Letter Writing, Diary Writing - pre-internet memories are plenty.

    1. So true Viyoma.... :) Personally, I loved sending and receiving hand written letters. I still have a huge bunch of the old letters, me and my cousins / friends had exchanged.

  3. Lovely post dear :) I also feel same.



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